Flat Stanley Rohland on the Virginia AT section 3

Bears Den Rocks

Hi Friends,

October 11, 2007 we hiked Virginia Section 3. This was Mommy's birthday.

We hiked from Snicker's Gap to Sam Moore Shelter. We hiked a little over 7 miles.

Here is a picture of me climbing on some big rocks called Bears Den Rocks. There are no bears living here. Can you guess why it is called Bears Den Rocks?

Today's hike should be fun. You get to see something new on every hike.

Here is a view from Bears Den Rocks.

It was really windy the day we were here. I was afraid that I was going to be blown off of the mountain.

Bears Den Rocks
Bears Den Rocks

See how I am being blown around? I had to hold on to Daddy's hiking pole. I thought I was going to become a kite without a string. It was scarey.

I am okay. The wind did not blow me away. Were you afraid too?

Bears Den Rocks 
Warming my toes at the campsite

Today is chilly too. I decided to stop here. I wanted to warm my toes but no fire. It is important for campers to put out their fires. All of the woods could burn down if they did not.

There is a footbridge here. It has been dry. That is why there is no water here.

rocky trail The trail changed. We are now on the rollercoaster. They call it the rollercoaster because you go up mountains and down mountains. Then you go up more mountains and down another. That is why it is called the rollercoaster. Do you think this would be easy to hike? It is not. It is very hard. 

Here we have to go up, up another mountain. I really needed the steps. The climb was very high.

steps on trail
View at Lookout Point.

We got to take a break here. This is Lookout Point. It was a good break from the rollercoaster.

We stopped at Sam Moore Shelter. We ate lunch here. After lunch we turned around and hiked the rollercoaster back to Baby. Boy am I tired today.

Sam Moore Shelter

That's it for this trip. 

I'm still looking for you on the AT. Don't forget to send me your AT picture. My email address is stanley @ rohland.org. I just need to know your first name and where you hiked. I will put it on the Kids on the Appalachian Trail page.

I would like to hear about your AT adventures too. Send your story and picture to me and I will put them on my website. Don't forget to take me with you. You can get a picture of me to take along. Just go to http://www.flatstanley.com/template.htm.


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