Please Share Your AT Stories



Stanley would love to go hiking with you or come visit and listen to your AT tales. In the original Flat Stanley book, Stanley was folded and put in a big envelop and snail mailed to his relatives for a visit. Luckily in this electronic age we can just print his image from Cut him out and he is ready to hike with you or sit in your big easy chair while you thrill him with your stories.

To create your tale:

  1. Type up the story making sure you have notes for me where to place the pictures and which pictures should go where.
  2. Check to make sure your tale is readible by a second grader. I like to use to check the reading level.
  3. Save your story as a text file - *.txt. (If you have software to create a *.htm web file skip these directions and just make a webpage).
  4. If possible reduce the size of your pictures to 500 KB or less. If you don't know how to reduce the size of your pictures you will probably need to send them in multiple emails with no more than 2 or 3 per emailing. (Another option would be to zip the pictures before sending them).
  5. Send an email to stanley @ and attach your story and pictures.

We'll get your AT story out on the web as soon as possible. There will be a lot of youngsters really thilled to read your story. Thanks for taking the time for them.



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