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Section 14 - Tesnatee Gap to Neels Gap Displayed from North to South

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Hiker Rated
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Tesnatee Gap
   Poor           Great

From Helen GA go north on GA 17/75 for about 1.5 miles to near Robertstown. Go left on GA 75 ALT. In 2.3 miles go right on GA 348 (also known as Richard B Russell Scenic Highway) and continue 7.6 miles to Tesnatee Gap. There is a parking area on the left (south side) of the road. This is a deep parking area perpendicular to the road. The southbound trail goes west from the parking area. The northbound AT goes east and begins to climb Wildcat Mountain. Revalidated by Nancy H. / September 2024 10-12


David Cullen
Neels Gap
   Poor           Great

From the south follow US 129 north from Cleveland, GA. US 19 later joins. The Walasi-YI center, an outfitting store, is reached in 18 miles. From the north follow US 19/129 south 13 miles from Blairsville to the Center. The AT crosses the highway here. Parking here is short term and for customers. Hiker parking is further north at the Bryon Reece Memorial. The entrance to this is 0.6 miles further north (marker on map). It is apparently an old section of highway. It is a one-way road. Click on the street view and rotate the view to the west to see the parking entrance. Walk south from the parking area along the highway back to the center. 01/01/10 Ample


David Cullen
Hikers should park at the

Bryon Reece Memorial area. See above.
The map attached here shows the approximate location of the AT crossing near the Walasi-Yi Center in Neels Gap. Rotate the street view to the north to see the southbound trail to Section 15. The northbound trail goes through a breezeway in the building. This is the only place the AT actually goes through a building. From there the northbound trail to Section 14 goes east. Some of the pictures at the bottom give better views of the center. 06/18/14


David Cullen
Just an FYI, we parked at Bryon Reece Memorial area, and when we returned to get our car, the park rangers were ticketing all those who had parked in non-designated areas. So park in designated areas or risk being ticketed. 06/05/20


WardandDA @
Directions confirmed. 19/129 is a winding mountain road. The parking lot is a short walk away, but on a beautiful April Sunday it was completely full at 3:00 PM. 05/01/23


carolanse @

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