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Section 10 - PA 944 to Boiling Springs Displayed from North to South

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  Cumberland Valley Appalachian Trail Club cvatclub @ Darlington Trail/Tuscarora Trail to Center Point Knob

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Route 944
   Poor           Great

The AT passes under PA 944 (Wertzville Road) via a pedestrian tunnel. This is 4.3 miles east of the intersection of PA 944 and PA 34 and 2.3 miles west of the intersection of PA 944 and PA 114. The marker on the attached map indicates this point. GPS: N40.2844 W77.0938 There are crowd paths which will allow access to the trail from the road. From here the northbound trail goes north towards Section 9. The southbound trail goes south towards Section 10. The current AT Guide to PA (12th ed., 2012) states that there is no parking here and there are many no parking signs along PA 944. The shoulder is not safe. The nearby business does not permit parking in his lot. Some older guides say there is limited parking along Deer Lane, the first road to the east. Anyone tempted to park on Deer Run should consider this 2010 statement from the Cumberland Valley Appalachian Trail Club and avoid parking there.. "There is NO parking on PA 944. There is a very limited space for parking on Deer Lane, and we do not recommend parking there. You can't get your car completely off the road. You are much better off parking 1 mile south at Sherwood Drive." See Mile 0.9 for details about this parking. 1/30/10 Updated 08/25/19


David Cullen
Sherwood Drive
   Poor           Great

From I81, Travel east on route 11. After going under the AT bridge you will turn left on Ridge (Burnhisel) Road. After the road turns right, Burnhisel Road turns to the left. On Burnhisel Road cross over I81 and later a smaller bridge. On the left immediately after this bridge is the Scott Farm Trail Work Center. Continue about 1 1/4 mile and Burnhisel will meet Sherwood Drive. 2


at @
There is parking for about 6 cars at Sherwood Drive 01/23/07 6


jimhfoster @
According to the Google Maps, it is 3.1 miles from US 11 to the intersection with Sherwood Drive. Here go right for 0.3 miles to the trail crossing. See satellite view of the attached map. The south trail comes out of the woods at the point where the road curves south (Marker A). It follows the road, then goes straight back into the woods where the road curves west (marker B), The parking area can be seen on the east side of the road in between the two points. Click on the camera icon by A and rotate to the north to see the trail at this point. Click on the camera icon by B and rotate to the southeast to see the southbound trail. 04/06/09


David Cullen
Scott Farm Trail Work Center (1st Junction of AT and Bernhisel Bridge Road)
   Poor           Great

From I81, Travel east on route 11. After going under the AT bridge you will turn left on Ridge (Bernheisel) Road. After the road turns right, Bernheisel Bridge Road turns to the left. On Bernheisel Bridge Road cross over I81 and later a smaller bridge (the Bernheisel Bridge). On the left immediately after this bridge is the Scott Farm Trail Work Center. 314 Bernheisel Bridge Rd, Carlisle, PA 17015
GPS: 40.259914 -77.103856
There is a map of the AT, pictures of snakes in the area and WATER is available. Hiking south from this point you will hike through a cow pasture that was quite muddy when we were there. Varies with number of employees on site. At most 5 cars.


at @
According to the Google Maps it is 2 miles from US 11 to this point. See satellite view of the attached map in the previous listing. The southbound AT can be seen as a thin opening in the woods between the road and the creek. Rotate the street view to the southwest to see the Scott Farm Work Center and potential parking. 04/07/09


David Cullen
The southbound trail reaches Bernshield Bridge Road at Point A on the attached map and turns left (southeast) on the road. Click on the camera icon by A and rotate to sort of see the trail at this point. About all that is visible is a blaze. Rotate to the southeast to see the route down the road. The trail follows the road pas the Scott Farm Work Center and crosses the Condoguinet Crekk on the Bernshiel Bridge using a pedestrian walkway. On the east side the trail turns right (south) and goes back into the woods at Point B. Click on the camera icon by B and rotate to the south to see the trail. Rotate to the west to see the route over Bernshiel Bridge. 01/28/10


David Cullen
Bernhisel Bridge Road (2nd Junction with AT)
   Poor           Great

See directions for to Ridge Road (Mile 3.6--Ballfield Parking). After turn left on Bernhisel Bridge Road, continue north over I-81. The AT crosses the road just north of Country Club Road. According to Google Maps this is 1.2 miles north of Ridge Road. I did not see any parking in the immediate vicinity. See Satellite view of the attached map. The path of the AT is clearly visible. The southbound trail is west of Bernhisel Road, crosses it, then follows an old farm road, between a cornfield (unplowed green area) and a field (plowed area). Rotate the street view to the west to see the northbound trail on the right side of Country Club Road. The trail goes through the fence and goes northtowards Scott Farm. Rotate to the east to see the southbound trail (notice white blaze on post) 04/14/09 Probably 0


David Cullen
There is a little room for a couple of cars to park in the grass off the road. Parking is much better at Scott Farm. 01/27/10 01/27/10 A few


cvatclub @
Bernshiel Bridge Road (3rd Jct. with AT)
   Poor           Great

See Mile 3.6 for directions to Ridge Road. After turning left from Ridge Road onto Bernhisel Bridge Road, continue north about 1 mile until the north end of the bridge over I-81. Here the northbound trail which follows the road over I-81 goes off to the right (east). This is Marker A on the attached map. I think there is a parking pull-off good for one car a little bit further north and perhaps some parking on the grass on the side of the road is possible. However parking is in general difficult at best. Rotate the street view to the northeast to see the northbound trail. The trail north can be seen as a dark green line paralleling the road to the east. The street view to the south shows Bernshiel Bridge Road and thus the AT going over the I-81 bypass. The northbound trail joins the road at marker B. See Mile 3.6. 01/24/10 0 to very limited


David Cullen
Even the latest edition of the AT Guide (11th) gives the impression that there is a ball field at this point where this potential parking. There is a ball field but it is about 0.6 miles south of this point. See below. 01/27/10


David Cullen
Bernhisel Bridge Road (4th Jct. with AT)--Trailhead
   Poor           Great

01/23/07 2


jimhfoster @
According to the Google Maps, it is 0.7 miles from Ridge Road to point where the westbound AT goes west off Bernhisel Road. (See above). When I hiked through here, I felt that parking right at this spot was minimal at best. However not on the street view of the attached map, there is a car parked in a small grassy area just south of the farm road. The AT Guide says there is limiting parking at this point, but I don't know if the field is what they mean. I don't know if hiker parking is legally allowed here or not. Rotate the street view on the attached map to the northwest to see the farm road and the possible parking.

Coming south the AT is east of Bernhisel Road. It follows the boundary between the darker green and lighter green of the fields seen on the satellite view of the attached map, reaching the road at Marker A. It follows the road across I-81, then turns west at Marker B onto a farm road then crossing another field and eventually going back into the woods. The blue line indicates the section where the trail follows the road. 04/14/09 See directions


David Cullen
Bernshiel Bridge Road (4th Jct. with AT)--Ballfield Parking
   Poor           Great

From I81, Travel east on route 11. After going under the AT bridge you will turn left on Ridge (Burnhisel) Road. After the road turns right, Burnhisel Road turns to the left. There is parking at a sports field complex (GPS N40.23840 W77.09507). The AT is approximately .3 miles north of this parking area. The trail crosses Burnhisel Bridge Road at GPS N40.24025 W77.10017. Hiking south you will cross over route 11 on a trail bridge, walk through a wooded section, walk along a corn field, cross RR tracks and thru more fields until you reach the turnpike. many


at @
US 11
   Poor           Great

The AT crosses US 11 on a footbridge (complete with a sign) about a mile east of I-81 in Carlisle. Just east of the footbridge, a side street goes right (south). There is no street sign. Curbside parking for several cars is possible. There are no houses in the immediate vicinity so you do not have to worry about parking in front of somebodys house. Overnight parking is probably not advisable. The road eventually goes into a trailer park. There is a "herd path" which climbs the embankment on the north side of US 11 and on the west side of the footbridge. This gives access to the AT at the north end of the footbridge. Left on AT is northbound, right is southbound. 4/19/2006 Several curbside on side street


David Cullen
See satellite view on the attached map. The AT footbridge across US 11 can be clearly seen. Click on the camera icon by A, and rotate the street view to the south to see the side street where there is parking. Rotate to the west to see the overpass as seen from the east on US 11. Click on the camera icon by B and rotate to the north to see the 'herd path' mentioned above. The user supplied photo shows the overpass from the vantage point of the A. 1/23/10


David Cullen
Appalachian Drive (North Jct.)
   Poor           Great

See directions to the intersection of US 11 & Appalachian Drive given at Mile 6.5. Go 0.7 miles down Appalachian Drive. This would be point A on the map attached at Mile 5.5. No parking here, only drop-off. The northbound AT follows Appalachian Drive north from the crossing of the PA turnpike. here it goes left (west) off the road and follows fields and woods to the US 11 overpass. 01/24/10 0


David Cullen
PA Turnpike/ Appalachian Drive (Middle Jct.)
   Poor           Great

GPS N40 13.309 W 77 06.144 The trail crosses the turnpike on a regular car overpass. (See the bridge picture with fence along the side and a man standing looking at turnpike.) 0


at @
See instructions to Stone house Drive (Mile 6.5) Follow these to Appalachian Drive and then 0.8 miles south on that to the crossing of the PA Turnpike. Appalachian Drive is a narrow road with practically no shoulder so parking is not possible. This should be considered a drop-off point only. The northbound trail has been paralleling Appalachian Drive since Mile 5.8. It rejoins Appalachian Drive south of the overpass over the Pennsylvania Turnpike (Point B on the attached map). In approximately 0.2 miles it goes west off the road (Point A on the attached map) and goes through fields and woods towards the US 11 overpass 01/24/10 0


David Cullen
Appalachian Drive (South Jct.)
   Poor           Great

See directions to Old Stonehouse Road (Mile 6.5). Follow these except that you should only go 1.1 miles on Appalachian Drive. The trail crosses the road here. Parking here is non-existent so this should only be considered a drop-off point. The southbound trail is on the east side of the road. It goes southeast towards Old Stonehouse Road. The northbound trail is on the west side of the road. It turns north and parallels Appalachian Road to just south of the PA Turnpike bridge. (See Mile 5.5). It rejoins Appalachian Drive there 01/23/10 0


David Cullen
Old Stonehouse Road - SSR 2002
   Poor           Great

GPS N40 12.730 W77 06.516 This entire section is fairly level and traverses through pastures and fields. Some sections of the trail have new growth trees along it. 0


at @
From Exit 52A off I-81 follow US 11 east under the AT bridge. In about 1.2 miles from I-81, go right on Appalachian Drive. According to Google Maps it is 1.6 miles to the junction with Old Stonehouse Road. Go right for 0.1 miles to the trail crossing. There does not appear to be any parking in the immediate vicintiy. This should be considered at best only a drop-off point. The road is narrow so even a drop-off is problematic. The southbound trail crosses a field from the east. The path can clearly be seen as a darker green line across the field on the satellite view of the map attached in the previous listing. The trail crosses a stile, then enters woods on the other side of Old Stonehouse Road. Rotate the street view of the map to the northeast to see the stile and the northbound trail. The southbound trail is more difficult to see but is in the southwest view. 04/14/09 Probably 0


David Cullen
Ridge Drive/Biddle Road
   Poor           Great

From Carlisle, take Route 641 east. Route 641 is also called Trindle Road. In approximatle 2 miles from the I-81 overpass over Trindle Road turn left on Middlesex Rd. (SSR 1005). Go 0.4 miles then turn right on Ridge Drive. The trail crossing is 0.9 miles further. Ridge Drive becomes Biddle Rd. where it crosses the AT. GPS N40 12.451 W77 06.792   1


at @
Another route is Via US-11. From Exit 52A off I-81 follow US 11 east under the AT bridge. In about 1.2 miles from I-81, go right on Appalachian Drive. According to Google Maps it is 1.6 miles to the T junction with Old Stonehouse Road. Go left for 0.4 miles to Ridge Road. Go right on Ridge Road for about 0.5 miles to the trail crossing which is in a strip of woods with fields and houses on either side. There does not appear to be any parking in the immediate vicinity. The road is narrow and the only spot wide enough to park has a No Parking sign. This should be considered as a drop off point only. 04/15/09 Probably 0


David Cullen
Rt 641/Trindle Road
   Poor           Great

GPS: 40.195021, -77.10848 Consolidated Directions from 2012 and earlier: From Carlisle, take Route 641 east. Route 641 is also called Trindle Road. When driving east Trindle Road crosses the AT just after Boyer Road.
If southbound on I-81 take Exit 49 for High Street. At the end of the ramp, go left.
If northbound on I-81 take Exit 48. Go left following York Street and signs for I-81 northbound. At the intersection with High Street, go right (east) back until the freeway overpass is reached. In either case continue east on High Street (PA 641) which become Trindle Road. By my odometer it is 3.1 miles from the overpass to the trail crossing. There is a sign. Parking is on the left (north) side of the road. The crossing is shortly after the intersection with Byers Boyers Road (according to the street sign) and shortly before Hickory Road.
Parking lot entrance is just a few dozen yards west of the AT itself, with a short, blue-blazed trail to the lot. 03/13/23


WardandDA @
03/12/2023 Car broken into and items stolen. Middlesex cops appear to be doing follow up with an attempt to use charge card. 03/13/23


MRiordan95 @
Byers Road
   Poor           Great

From Carlisle, take Route 641 east. Route 641 is also called Trindle Road. Turn right on Boyer Road about 2.5 miles from the I-81 overpass over Trindle Road and go 0.4 miles to the trail crossing. This is shortly after the road enters a wooded section. Some maps refer to this road as Byers Road. The green arrow on the attached map indicates the crossing. GPS N40 11.410 W77 06.466 Room for a couple of cars to park roadside for day hiking. Do not block the gate. 2


at @
Lisburn Road/SSR 2004
   Poor           Great

From Carlisle, take Route 641 east. Route 641 is also called Trindle Road. Turn right on Claremont road and then left on Lisburn Road. On the attached map rotate the street view to the northwest to see the parking area and the northbound trail. Rotate to the south to see the southbound trail.
GPS N40 11.030 W77 06.670


at @
via Trindle Road: See Mile 8.3. Go about two miles to the intersection with Middlesex Road. Go right here. The road makes a sharp left turn and not far after that, Middlesex Road goes right but continue straight ahead on Lisburn Road. I don't have my odometer readings for this particular crossing, but according to the Google map it is 0.8 miles from Middlesex Road.. The parking area is on the left between Shugart Road and Ridge Road.

Via PA 74: See Mile 10.3. One possibility is to follow PA 74, reaching Middlesex Road about 0.1 miles west of the trail crossing of PA 74. Go left here and continue a mile to a T intersection at a stop sign. Go right on Lisburn Road and continuue to the crossing as above. Alternatively turn left on Shugart Road. This is west of Middlesex Road. Follow Shugart Road about 1.1 miles to Lisburn Road. The parking area is a short distance to the right on Lisburn Road.
See pictures. This is a dirt lot surrounded by trees, 04/06/09 5-6


David Cullen
PA 74/York Rd.
   Poor           Great

Parking and Trail Crossing: 40.173088, -77.120866

Option 1: From Carlisle, take Route 74 southeast. Pass route 174. The AT crosses route 74 just before you get to SR2002.

Option 2: If northbound on I-81 take Exit 48 for PA 74. At the end of the ramp, go right. If southbound on I-81 take Exit 49. Go right following High Street and signs for I-81 northbound and Route 74. At the intersection with York Street, turn sharp left (southeast) onto York and follow it until the freeway overpass for exit 48 is reached. In either case continue east on PA 74. The mileages from my odometer and the Google Map do not agree, but in approximately 3 miles (plus or minus half a mile) from the I-81 overpass Middlesex Road on the left is reached. The name of the road to the right may be South Ridge Road. Continue on PA 74 for another 0.1 mile to the AT crossing. The parking area is on the left.
Parking area is somewhat hidden until you turn into it.

The northbound trail starts in the back of the parking lot and goes Northwest. The Southbound trail begins across the street and goes southwest.

Revalidated by Nancy H. / September 2024


at @
PA 174 (North Junction)
   Poor           Great

From I81 take the exit for route 74 south. Take Boiling Springs exit off 74 which is Forge Rd. Turn left on 174 and pass the AT Regional Office. The trail crosses 174 close to the crest of the hill. Hiking south you will be coming into Boiling Springs Village where supplies, restaurants, B&B, phones, post office, etc. are available. 1


at @
The marker on the attached map indicates the point where the southbound trail joins PA 174. When I was there, parking appeared to be quite limited here. Better parking is available in Boiling Springs (See Mile 12.0). The trail north of PA 174 is clearly visible in the satellite view. The southbound trail goes west along the highway for 0.3 miles to the ATC office where it goes left along the east shore of the lake. Rotate the street view to the northwest to see the northbound trail. The picture is dark so it is a little hard to see. Rotate to the west to see the view down PA 174 towards Boiling Springs. If you do a complete pan of the street view the limited parking available can be seen. 09/16/09 Limited roadside parking


David Cullen
Appalachian Trail Conference Regional Office
   Poor           Great

From I81 take the exit for route 74 south. Take Boiling Springs exit off 74 which is Forge Rd. Turn left on 174 to the AT Regional Office. Turn right onto Front Street before you get to the AT regional office for parking. This parking is actually in section 11 but not far from the southern end of section 10. GPS N40 08.825 W77 07.521. (09/20/2003) There are two parking areas on this side of the lake which is south of the AT Regional Office. The parking area off of Front street (Marker A on the attached map) includes a boat ramp where you can launch canoes into the lake. The Iron Works parking (Marker B) is off of Bucher Hill Rd. The trail goes through this Iron Works area parking area then goes north along the east side of the lake to the ATC office on PA 174, the official north end of Section 11 and the southern end of Section 10. Both parking areas are a short walk from each other. See mile 0.0 for more specifics about parking regulations. Alternatively to get to section 10, walk up Bucher Rd to Rt 174. The trail follows that road here. Go left to reach the ATC office. Go right to continue on the AT northbound. 2-3 at ATC office, 10-15 in boat launch, 25- 30 at iron works


at @
There is limited day use parking at the Appalachian Trail Conservancy Mid-Atlantic Regional office. (Please register with office staff.) For long term or overnight parking at the nearby historical park, get a permit from the ATC regional office during working hours (or call ahead during office hours at 717-258-5771 to make other arrangements). There is no overnight parking in the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission parking lot by the lake. 05/21/09


jluthy @
See the above listings for more about parking in Boiling Springs. Also see the listing (and attached map) at Mile 0.3 of Section 11. The markers on this map indicate the location of the ATC office. From here the southbound trail (to Sec. 11) goes south along the east shore of the lake. If you rotate the street view to the south, the ATC office is on the left. The southbound AT follows the path and the end of the parking are. The northbound trail (to Sec. 10) goes east along PA 174 for 0.3 miles then goes left (north) into the woods. Rotate the view to the east to look along PA 174. The trail goes left just past the crest of the hill seen in the view. 09/16/09 Update: Google has changed the street view and for some reason has fuzzed out the ATC office and parking lot.


David Cullen
THIS IS NOW A DROP OFF/Emergency exit ONLY LOCATION (as of September 2022) The ATC no longer has a regional office at this location and the building and lot are closed for now. The Bucher Hill lot (100 Bucher Hill Road, also known as the Fisherman's lot) is also closed to overnight parking and may be fully closed when construction commences near Children's Lake. 09/12/22


cmiller @

Know when to wear orange in PA
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