All Parking Safety Ratings for This Milemarker

5 = Great       1 = Poor

ratingfurther informationemailreported
3This trailhead does get patrolled by USFS in the mornings, but very remote feeling, and has had some breakin issues in the past. But, a very popular day hike on weekends.silcassano @ gmail.com5/17/2019 2:47:34 PM
1ATC vandalism alert:

Vandalism/theft reported here 8/09
info @ appalachiantrail.org7/13/2012 9:15:55 PM
1On Oct. 9 or 10, 2010, four cars in the parking lot were broken into (windows smashed and glove compartments ransacked).andyb @ null.net10/19/2010 6:29:23 AM